Since 1973, Captain Black Little Cigars has been a name synonymous with flavor and class in aromatic cigars. With their pleasant taste, affordable price, and stylish appearance, Captain Black Little Cigars are a great way to kick back and relax. Captain Black Little Cigars are made with premium, tobacco-infused wrapper adding a delectable spice to the sweet flavor of the smoke itself.
Captain Black's come in a variety of flavors, from the mellow and mild to powerfully intense. Captain Black sweets are perfect for those who prefer a more subtle tobacco, with an intoxicating sweetness to take the edge off. Those who prefer more organic sweet flavors will enjoy the flavored tips of Captain Black vanilla little cigars, or the relaxing daiquiri like flavor of their peach rum. Meanwhile, for a smooth, mellow, and extremely relaxing smoke, nothing can quite beat the tailored flavor, light smoke, and luxurious aroma of Captain Black Sweet Cherry cigars. For any smoker of flavored cigars, Captain Black has a blend for you.
Be taken away with Captain Black, and enjoy their 40 year tradition of great cigars at great prices. Whether you're buying for flavor, convenience, or price, nothing can quite compete with the tailored taste of a Captain Black Little Cigar.